Monday, December 28, 2009
Got a plan yet?
It's almost over and then what?
Do you have a plan for success in 2010?
No matter your goals, I suggest you create a plan of success to help you attain the goals you set out to achieve. Once you have, post them in obvious places so you can review them regularly and also make sure to set timelines or dates of accomplishment for them so you actually stay on track to getting them completed in a timely manner!
Stay tuned for more great news that will directly benefit your wallet!
Visit for more info.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Holiday Calorie Control Tip #2
Today's tip is even more simple and expands on the premise.
Plan on staying away from the booze.
Look, a drink or two isn't going to be the end of the world. But when two turns to three...I'm not getting on my soap box here.
I'm just telling you something you already know:
Booze leads to bad decisions.
And in this case, we're talking about bad eating decisions.
When alcohol enters the equation even the best laid plans crumble. The extra calories from the cocktails is one thing. But really it's the extra calories you chew that start to add up.
One piece of cake turns to two...A handful of chips turns into a a bag...The dip sitting in front of you mysteriously vanishes...into your belly...You get the picture. ;-)
Have fun. Enjoy yourself.
Just be conscious of what alcohol does to your decision making.
Yours in health,
PS - Rememeber, Prograde Nutrition's HUGE Holiday Savings ends TOMORROW night. You definitely want to get over to right NOW and place you order to save 15% on all their killer products. It's my duty as a proud Prograde Partner to remind you ;-)
isit for more info.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Holiday Calorie Control Tip #1
You know you know this.
Fail to plan, plan to fail.
You can't just HOPE you're going to behave yourself at holiday parties. You can't just do the same old things you've been doing. You can't just miss breakfast. have a light lunch and then go to a party filled with temptation and not go a little insane on the cheese platter ;-)
You have to plan your meals.
You have to plan your workouts.
You have to set your goals in stone.
You don't want to be the person that comes out of the holidays 5 to 10 pounds heavier, do you?
If you don't plan your strategy from preventing it, well, you can PLAN on getting some new clothes that fit your new size.
This is far from doom and gloom. You can still enjoy your favorite foods at parties. You can still have a great time.
But what you can't do is just free-for-all it and stuff your face with everything put in front of you. You know that.
Tell you what: Plan on taking a nice 30 minute walk this weekend and do some solid thinking about what your plan will be. And when you get back home, put it on paper and commit to it.
And think about how great you'll feel about yourself when January comes after you've followed your plan. Oh, and be sure to reward yourself to by doing something special for yourself.
Yours in health,
PS - As a proud Prograde Nutrition partner I have to remind you Prograde is having a heck of a Holiday Blow Out on ALL of their awesome products. Everything you need, including the coupon code to save 15% on all Prograde Nutrition products is right here: Hurry because this deal expires this Friday, December 11th at 11:59pm EST.
Visit for more info.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Holiday Discounts on Nutrition!
I can't believe they're doing this - seriously.
As you know, I'm a proud Prograde Nutrition partner, so when something like this comes across my desk, well, I share it with you immediately.
Prograde is having a heck of a Holiday Blow Out. It's pretty obvious they don't want you "shutting it down" the last couple weeks of December.
Believe it or not they are putting all of their awesome products on sale this week for 15% off! I don't think they've ever done this before, and they probably won't do it ever again. Their products are so good and the company is growing so fast they just don't have to.
So my recommendation to you is to get on over to right NOW and stock up.
This deal expires this Friday, December 11th at 11:59pm EST. But don't wait until later to order. You might get busy, you might forget...and trust me you WILL regret missing out on this if you do.
Yours in health,
PS - Everything you need, including the coupon code to save 15% on all Prograde Nutrition products is right here:
Visit for more info.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Here's your Turkey day fat burning workout!
Warm up and stretch till you feel prepared to workout. (If you don’t usually exercise regularly, please be careful and smart about your participation in this program, and only do this if you have your doctor’s permission!)
Now perform 2-4 sets of the following workout (2 for the beginner, 3 for intermediate, and 4 for advanced), with no rest in between each exercise until the end, when you will rest for 2 minutes and start over at the beginning.
All exercises should be performed at 10-15 reps depending on your ability and capacity…please be smart! If anything is painful, stop immediately!
Here we go!
In a station or circuit format…
1. Squats holding a dumb bell- right under the Adam’s apple- keep the chest up, belly button in while bending at the hips and ankles and your knees going forward.
2. Pushups- floor or on a bench- keep your trunk perfectly still and flat…don’t let your body sag!
3. Exercise ball hamstring curls- Lay on your back on the floor, put your feet on the ball, lift your butt to the ceiling, and while maintaining a straight body, pull your heels to your butt, then back to straight again- repeat
4. Bent over dumb bell rows- bend forward at the hips with the dumb bells hanging freely, using your butt and abs to hold you in this position- now pull the dumb bells up so they almost touch your ribcage by pulling your shoulder blades together.
5. Side lunge (or back lunge if you can’t do a side lunge)- with your chest up and upper body stationary, step sideways so the inside leg to where you started goes straight and the outside knee bends as your butt goes back…think of a squat position, butt with one leg out to the side and a almost straight knee.
6. Exercise ball dumb bell presses for chest (or use bench if you can’t balance on a ball)- lay back on the ball so your shoulders and head lay flat to the ceiling with your hips parallel to the floor- start with the dumb bells in your hands and your upper arms resting on the ball, abs braced and glues tight- push the weights toward the ceiling till they almost come together, return to start and repeat
7. Front and side raises for shoulders- with good standing posture (knees soft, chest up, abs braced) lift one dumb bell to the front and one dumb bell to the side so that the two make a 90 degree angle, then lower them and switch, the other to the front and the other to the side- keep repeating
8. Bicep curls- any kind
9. Tricep kickbacks- bend forward and keep upper arms parallel with the body angle you are standing at, then, by hinging at the elbow, straighten your arms so your entire arm is now straight, then hinge at the elbow again and repeat
10. Forward ball rolls- kneel on the floor with your forearms on an exercise ball, with a flat spine, abs braced, slowly roll arms out in front of you while your hips move as if your elbows and hip bones have a string attached to them. If this was true, when you moved your elbows forward, it would pull your hips forward as well. Now do the opposite to get back to start position, which is pull the hips back first which would pull the elbows back as well, repeat.
Now rest 2 minutes and repeat 1-2 more times!
For those of you who do this…do me a favor and make a comment of how you did!
God Bless and have a great Thanksgiving!
Visit for more info.
Your Pre-Thanksgiving workout
Your workout for today is simple...interval cardio!
Here it is:
Start with a 5 min warm up on your favorite cardio machine (I like the bike or the Guantlet), getting your heart rate to 120 beats per minute (BPM).
Here are the rules of interval work...
1. increase your tension and speed on a bike, and increase your speed (steps per minute) on a guantlet for the recommended work loads listed below
2. try to double your speed and tension during the interval,
3. during recovery, lower the tension and speed to very slow so you can recover quickly
4. I listed the word "hard" below to describe #1 above and what it should feel like to work.
Once you are warm, let's start!
- 20 seconds hard, then recover to 120 BPM
- 30 seconds hard, then recover to 120 BPM
- 60 seconds hard, then recover to 120 BPM
- 30 seconds hard, then recover to 120 BPM
- 15 seconds hard, then recover to 120 BPM
- 60 seconds hard, then recover to 120 BPM
- 20 seconds hard, then recover to 120 BPM
- 60 seconds hard, then recover to 120 BPM
- 20 seconds hard, then recover to 120 BPM
- 60 seconds hard,
- Cool down 5 minute or until your heart rate is below 120 BPM
This entire workout will take at least 24 minutes and longer due to your ability to recover to 120 BPM between each interval.
Go get it!
Visit for more info.
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
What to eat, and what not to eat
Today, it's all about portions.
First, some tough love.My sister responded to my post yesterday and said, "I thought it was a day to indulge!"
OK, valid question, BUT she trains everyday and works hard on her nutritional choices. So for her (or you if you are in the same scenario) I say go for it!
But for everyone else who don't train everyday and make solid nutritional choices...listen up!
Here's what you need to focus on- what to eat and what not to eat...
- Drink water! Start when you get up with 8 oz's (which you should anyway), then have 8 oz's every hour up to the point you eat. You will be less likely to overeat if you do this.
- Only have a "palm full" of hors d'oeuvres- and make them veggies or a protein snack
- If you are going to drink alcohol, then make sure you have a protein or a fat snack with your drink so you don't "over sugar" yourself which is what alcohol is...pure sugar!
Ok- at the Thanksgiving meal, here's how your plate should look...
Split the plate into thirds- 1/3 protein- turkey/ham, 1/3 carbs- mashed taters/dressing and 1/3 vegies.
I am a believer in fats, good fats, so use some gravy on your turkey and stuffing, JUST DON'T OVER DO IT! That's when you get into trouble!
Next, make sure those portions of each of the foods are about the size of your palm and , just like I said yesterday, only eat till you are satisfied!
Yes you can, but you have to wait for three hours! The difference is, this time you can't eat it past 8 pm, and it has to be half the size of your original meal.
So try these simple tricks and it will help you be successful on Thanksgiving!
See you tomorrow!
Visit for more info.
Monday, November 23, 2009
Tis' the Season To Get Fatter?
Can you believe Thanksgiving and the holidays are already here? Sheesh! Time flies!
So...are you?
Are you going to be 10 pounds heavier come 2010?
Well, each day this week, I will provide you with some tips to help you NOT hop on the train to "fatterville!"
Today, Monday the 23rd, it's all about the mindset by commiting to yourself.
I want you to start preparing for Thursday in your mind. Wherever you are going, whomever you are seeing, whatever you are eating, I want you to visualize yourself being successful with the choices you WANT to make.
So what choices do you WANT to make on Thanksgiving day?
Really...get out a sheet of paper and write down what you WANT to do, not what you don't want to, I call it your "personal covenant with yourself!"
For me, this is what I WANT to (and WILL do) on Thanksgiving..."my personal covenant"...
- I will drink plenty of water all day long, especially during Hors D'oeurves
- I am either not going to drink alcohol, or only have one glass of wine with dinner.
- I am going to eat till being satisfied, not full
- I will not succomb to "peer/family pressure" to "eat up"
That is my "personal covenant" to myself, and NOTHING will get me to waiver from it!
How about you?
What's yours?
If you want support, make a comment and post yours up and I/we will be sure to help you "stay on track," and to stay off the train to "fatterville!"
See you tommorrow!
www.championshipgolffitness.comThursday, October 29, 2009
Here's how to shovel snow w/o hurting your back!
Visit for more info.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
You all have cancer! Now- what to do about it!
John Hopkins Update
Cancer Update from Johns Hopkins :
1. Every person has cancer cells in the body. These cancer cells do not show up in the standard tests until they have multiplied to a few billion. When doctors tell cancer patients that there are no more cancer cells in their bodies after treatment, it just means the tests are unable to detect the cancer cells because they have not reached the detectable size.
2. Cancer cells occur between 6 to more than 10 times in a person's lifetime.
3 When the person's immune system is strong the cancer cells will be destroyed and prevented from multiplying and forming tumors.
4. When a person has cancer it indicates the person has multiple nutritional deficiencies. These could be due to genetic, environmental, food and lifestyle factors.
5. To overcome the multiple nutritional deficiencies, changing diet and including supplements will strengthen the immune system.
6. Chemotherapy involves poisoning the rapidly-growing cancer cells and also destroys rapidly-growing healthy cells in the bone marrow, gastrointestinal tract etc, and can cause organ damage, like liver, kidneys, heart, lungs etc.
7. Radiation while destroying cancer cells also burns, scars and damages healthy cells, tissues and organs.
8. Initial treatment with chemotherapy and radiation will often reduce tumor size. However prolonged use of chemotherapy and radiation do not result in more tumor destruction.
9. When the body has too much toxic burden from chemotherapy and radiation the immune system is either compromised or destroyed, hence the person can succumb to various kinds of infections and complications.
10. Chemotherapy and radiation can cause cancer cells to mutate and become resistant and difficult to destroy. Surgery can also cause cancer cells to spread to other sites.
11. An effective way to battle cancer is to starve the cancer cells by not feeding it with the foods it needs to multiply.. *CANCER CELLS FEED ON: a. Sugar is a cancer-feeder. By cutting off sugar it cuts off one important food supply to the cancer cells. Sugar substitutes like NutraSweet, Equal, Spoonful, etc are made with Aspartame and it is harmful. A better natural substitute would be Manuka honey or molasses, but only in very small amounts. Table salt has a chemical added to make it white in color. Better alternative is Bragg's aminos or sea salt. b. Milk causes the body to produce mucus, especially in the gastro-intestinal tract. Cancer feeds on mucus. By cutting off milk and substituting with unsweetened soy milk cancer cells are being starved. c. Cancer cells thrive in an acid environment. A meat-based diet is acidic and it is best to eat fish, and a little chicken rather than beef or pork. Meat also contains livestock antibiotics, growth hormones and parasites, which are all harmful, especially to people with cancer. d. A diet made of 80% fresh vegetables and juice, whole grains, seeds, nuts and a little fruits help put the body into an alkaline environment. About 20% can be from cooked food including beans. Fresh vegetable juices provide live enzymes that are easily absorbed and reach down to cellular levels within 15 minutes to nourish and enhance growth of healthy cells. To obtain live enzymes for building healthy cells try and drink fresh vegetable juice (most vegetables including bean sprouts) and eat some raw vegetables 2 or 3 times a day. Enzymes are destroyed at temperatures of 104 degrees F (40 degrees C). e. Avoid coffee, tea, and chocolate, which have high caffeine. Green tea is a better alternative and has cancer fighting properties. Water-best to drink purified water, or filtered, to avoid known toxins and heavy metals in tap water. Distilled water is acidic, avoid it.
12. Meat protein is difficult to digest and requires a lot of digestive enzymes. Undigested meat remaining in the intestines becomes putrefied and leads to more toxic buildup.
13. Cancer cell walls have a tough protein covering. By refraining from or eating less meat it frees more enzymes to attack the protein walls of cancer cells and allows the body's killer cells to destroy the cancer cells.
14. Some supplements build up the immune system (IP6, Flor-ssence, Essiac, anti-oxidants, vitamins, minerals, EFAs etc.) to enable the bodies own killer cells to destroy cancer cells.. Other supplements like vitamin E are known to cause apoptosis, or programmed cell death, the body's normal method of disposing of damaged, unwanted, or unneeded cells.
15. Cancer is a disease of the mind, body, and spirit. A proactive and positive spirit will help the cancer warrior be a survivor. Anger, un-forgiveness and bitterness put the body into a stressful and acidic environment. Learn to have a loving and forgiving spirit. Learn to relax and enjoy life.
16. Cancer cells cannot thrive in an oxygenated environment. Exercising daily, and deep breathing help to get more oxygen down to the cellular level.
Oxygen therapy is another means employed to destroy cancer cells.
1. No plastic containers in micro.
2. No water bottles in freezer.
3. No plastic wrap in microwave. Johns Hopkins has recently sent this out in its newsletters. This information is being circulated at Walter Reed Army Medical Center as well. Dioxin chemicals cause cancer, especially breast cancer. Dioxins are highly poisonous to the cells of our bodies. Don't freeze your plastic bottles with water in them as this releases dioxins from the plastic. Recently, Dr. Edward Fujimoto, Wellness Program Manager at Cast le Hospital, was on a TV program to explain this health hazard. He talked about dioxins and how bad they are for us. He said that we should not be heating our food in the microwave using plastic containers. This especially applies to foods that contain fat. He said that the combination of fat, high heat, and plastics releases dioxin into the food and ultimately into the cells of the body. Instead, he recommends using glass, such as Corning Ware, Pyrex or ceramic containers for heating food You get the same results, only without the dioxin. So such things as TV dinners, instant ramen and soups, etc., should be removed from the container and heated in something else. Pa per isn't bad but you don't know what is in the paper. It's just safer to use tempered glass, Corning Ware, etc. He reminded us that a while ago some of the fast food restaurants moved away from the foam containers to paper. The dioxin problem is one of the reasons. Also, he pointed out that plastic wrap, such as Saran, is just as dangerous when placed over foods to be cooked in the microwave. As the food is nuked, the high heat causes poisonous toxins to actually melt out of the plastic wrap and drip into the food. Cover food with a paper towel instead.
This is an article that should be sent to anyone important in your life.
Visit for more info.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Sorry all you obsessed golfers!
Hey, so since I've been gone for a while, looks like winter snuck up on me!
So here's is what I recommend to start a successful winter:
That's right! Get in to see me, then get with your instructor and tell them you want a winter instruction plan that will guide you to leading the 2010 season off with a bang!
You see, the PGA tour players are doing just that. They are working on their fitness and weaknesses/struggles they had with their game during the season...right now!
So get after it, and if you need help, let me know...I'm here for you!
Visit for more info.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Since we last visited we finished up helping out the players at the Mens Colorado Open, we've been to another TPI certification, except this time I got to participate in the teaching of the class...definately a blast! We went up to the beautiful Red Sky Ranch and put on a 3D full day experience, and the participants loved it!
We have also been out to the Denver Bronco Kids day out at Green Valley Ranch, and helped the players out at the Denver Open, where more of Colorado's best golfers participated in a great tournament that benefitted the Fellowship of Christian Athletes. We definately support this great ministry and the impact it has on our next generation!
Today we were out at a golf tournament that benefitted the Denver Academy which helps kids that struggle in school...another great cause to support!
Tommorrow we will be out at GVR again for the last of the Colorado Open's, this time it is the Seniors trun to "take a whack" at the course, and we will be out there helping them play their best as well!
I hope you have all played well this summer and look forward to the fall golf that's ahead!
Don't forget about Colorado's only golf fitness clinic starting wednesday at 7am and thursday at 5:30pm at our facility. Come in and get the best golf fitness programs in the state!
Visit for more info.
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Colorado Open week
This week is Colorado Open well everyone!
I encourage all of you who play but don't compete, to go out and experience what it's like to enjoy the fruits of you labor! And also to go out and watch those who are better than you at your favorite sport...sometimes they can be outright amazing! Besides that, it can always be a free learning lesson!
Play on!
Visit for more info.
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
My dream facility for you
And that is my "dream facility" that, so far, exists only in my head! Course I do know one day it will come to fruition, but here's a snapshot of my madness...
First, the entire space would be about 10,000 sq ft and is broken down to,
1. A 40w X 100L space with 18-10 ft ceilings for an indoor driving range with 8-10 practice areas, and to do 3D Motion Capture.
2. A 40 X 60ft office space area with a large office for me, a waiting room, and 4 smaller offices for massage, MAT, chiropractic, etc.
3. A 60 X 60ft gym area
4. A curtain net that could be pulled back and open up the driving range area to be used for junior golf clinics and allow for indoor sprinting, throwing, kicking etc.
5. And don't forget about two big garage doors on the gym side that can be opened!
There! Now it's out there, and I hope you get excited about as well, and maybe one day we'll be blessed with the opportunity to open Colorado's only indoor driving range, 3D Motion Capture system, and golf conditioning center!
Keep training and playing hard!
Visit for more info.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Friday June, 12th- sun June 14th from 8am to 6pm we have spots available for the one hour 3D motion capture assessment.
Please contact me to schedule your appt...and do it soon!
The email has only been out for 1 day and already we have 7 people signed up, so don't delay!
Visit for more info.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Off to Rome, Florence and finally Venice where my parents will renew their vows after thirty years of marriage on gondolas!
I am excited for the break, but also look forward to coming home where all kinds of good things will be going on...
- 3D Motion Capture comes Friday, June 12th and Saturday June 13th! We will be the first company in the US to bring 3D to the public this way!! Be a part of it for only $350 (or so). It will be a HUGE player in your game going to the next level in a short amount of time!
- We are designing the Colorado Golf Club Gym facility
- Trish will be getting back from TPI Junior Level 2- so we will be the only company in the US with two level two Junior certified pros!
- Trisha is playing in the Colorado Open at the end of the month where there are rumors of me caddying for her!??
- And more "secret" cool things going on!
Have a great ten days, train hard and we'll see you after the 19th!
Visit for more info.Friday, May 1, 2009
Stop Whining!
It is such a bummer how prevalent this problem is! Golfers love the game soo much, yet complain just as much about pain, scores, their high handicap, not improving and all the others that they love to whine about!
I mean really! What other sport our there is there such an attitude like this by amatuer players? Seriously, think about it! Can you think of any sport where a majority of the amatuer players struggle as much as with golf?
I can't.
Which leads me to my point. GET YOUR BUTT INTO THE GYM!
If you start working on making yourself have better posture, flexibility, stabilty, mobility and strength, then YOU WILL be a better golfer!
So suck it up and get started, the benefits are endless and it's only for a half hour a day for gosh sakes!
Visit for more info.
Friday, April 10, 2009
Try this hip rotation exercise for more distance!
Click here to try this exercise,
Visit for more info.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
First woman in the Denver Open- Trisha!
CGF's own employee, Trisha Self, has been invited to play in the Denver Open!
She will be the only woman to ever play in the Open, and we are so honored to have her on our team!
I just tested her today to get her on her newest program so she will be properly prepared to "take the stage!" Trust me, she will do very well, and definately make a name for herself out there!
Watch out boys...she's cute, she's tough, and she can play some golf!
Visit for more info.
Friday, April 3, 2009
TPI certification #7!
I am excited, as most of you know, to share my knowledge with you and anyone who is willing to take their health, fitness and golf seriously!
Please send anyone you know who is suffering from:
- pain,
- instability
- decreased range of motion
- weakness
- pre or post surgery
- low drive distance
- high handicapper
- being overweight
- tired of being tired
- stress
- disease
- lack of performance
- a bad "beat down" by your friends on the golf course!
- or anything else!
I would be grateful for the referral and happy to help another person gain more "life" back into their life!
Thank TPI- Tilteist Peformance Institute- for changing my life and giving me the tools to change others!
Visit for more info.Monday, March 30, 2009
Don't Succomb to the pressure!
It never seizes to amaze me that the people in our lives we think would be the most supportive of our health and fitness goals sometimes are the ones that sabotage us the most.
You know who I'm talking about. Those family members and friends that tell you:
"Oh, just have one piece."
"Oh come on, you only live once."
"Are you really not going to eat any of this?"
We all have these "bad food" villains in our lives and if losing weight wasn't hard enough, this does not make the situation any easier. (I know you can agree with me on that one.)
Trust me, I've heard it all. In all the years that I have been eating healthy, I don't care to repeat some of the ridiculous statements that have been said to me by my family and friends (Love you guys).
Here are some ways you can deal with these "bad food" villains, I mean loving family and friends while still maintaining your cool and achieving all of your health goals.
1.) Remember most of the people who are trying to sabotage your new healthy eating plan are just jealous or upset that they do not have enough determination, will power and commitment to do it themselves. Please be compassionate. If we want people to be compassionate with us, we must show compassion towards them (yup, now we're back in kindergarten). Respond to them with statements that only describe you, not them. You do not want to offend anyone or hurt anyone's feelings (or at least I hope you don't).
Try statements like:
"I really feel great eating this way. It's made such a difference in my life already."
"I know I am doing something great for my health and I feel awesome about it."
"I really want to be a good role model for my family and my children. I want to show them all healthy habits."
Who can say anything negative to that? (I know, I'm sure you've got at least one person). What you have done however, is not attacked them at all and you have kept it positive. No sense in resorting to childish antics like "Nani Nani Poopoo, I'm healthy and you're not." Come on, nobody wants to hear that.
2.) Next are those situations where you are in someone's home and you do not want to offend them. If this is a dinner party, just do the best you can. I promise you, you will not be sabotaging all of your good efforts by eating one meal that is not part of your plan. It might actually be a good break from your routine. Here's where most people go wrong. They think if they had one bad thing now need to throw in the towel all together. One meal is NOT enough reason to give up on your health goals. Make your grandma happy by eating her lasagna (or whatever the meal may be) and don't go overboard. One piece is enough and you have not offended anyone. Wake up the next day and move forward with your healthy food, like nothing ever happened (Lasagna? What Lasagna? I didn't see any Lasagna.) Don't torture yourself, or reflect on the meal. Telling yourself you have failed and then harping about it is actually worse than eating the bad food. No more beating yourself up!
3.) If you find that there are just some people who are super negative about what you are doing no matter what you try, don't talk to them about your eating. I would love to tell you to avoid these people, but sometimes they are people who are the closest to us. Show them the wonderful side effects of healthy eating just by your actions alone. Your results will speak for themselves. I gave up on trying to convince certain people of the true benefits of healthy nutrition a long time ago. It was just too exhausting and I'm pretty sure they are now well aware of all the wonderful benefits just by my own results and actions.
Listen, don't let anybody tell you that you can't do anything, especially reach the health and weight goals that you want. Show them what you've got by your amazing results and that will be enough to keep most people from trying to knock you down.
In health and happiness,
Isabel De Los Rios
Visit for more info.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Colorado's only TPI certified golf fitness company!
One goal down, now we start our work on domination and recognition to the media, the public and golf pros! Can you halp at all? If you can, we'd love the help!!
So it is our goal to continue to provide you, our clients, the best golf fitness information and products available today. We will always strive to be the best informed company in Colorado and stay on the fore-front of how the industry is changing!
So stay tuned, keep coming in and working hard not just on your game, but your "life" fitness as well! Cause when you are fit, that's when you can best deal with life's stressors, disease prevention, have more fun playing sports, and just plain old living and loving life! That's why I always say the "Golf fitness is Life fitness!"
Visit for more info.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Get a team!
"We do not believe there is one way to swing a golf club, in fact we believe that there is an infinite number of ways to swing a club. but we do believe there is an effecient way to swing a club and it is based off what the body can do."
I mention this because I have recently been asked by numerous people questions and issues about their swings.
Here's the deal. After years of testing clients in order to create flexibility and conditioning programs and seeing their positive affects on their game; from almost 15,000 amatuer and 1400 tour pros being tested at TPI...the conclusion is...your body affects your swing more than anything else that will prevent your from the success you desire!
So PLEASE, don't just listen to your golf instructor as the ONLY professional that you take advice from to create and perfect your game!
Please know that your body issues will negatively affect your game if you don't address them! Consider a team approach!
Ok, this isn't just about Golf, regardless, you should have a great chiropracter, a great massage therapist, a great golf fitness coach, a great PGA qualified golf instructor and great equipment.
Together this team will not only help you be the best athlete you can be, but the best golfer you can be! Afterall it is the exact team that TPI recommends and it is the same one that I use for my PGA tour winners!
Visit for more info.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Get your life back!!
I didn't know that Arron was going to be here for four days, so I am a little behind!
But, the coolest thing happened while he was here, and I tell you this because I want to encourage you to continue to persue your fitness and performance goals no matter what they are!
Arron came into town down in the dumps about where his body was. It was sore, tired, and his wrist surgery he had last august was still very painful.
But I scheduled him for his appointments to see one of my Chiropracters that I use and he had used before, Doc Trisha Shaar. She found that his hand (left) was contributing to a lack of nuerological communication from the hand and arm to the brain. Knowing this, she referred him to Doc Paul Thom who is a Chiropracter that specializes in extremity adjustments, and let me tell you, he went thru Arron's hand and elbow and adjusted 3 hand bones, and made 2 elbow corrections.
Immediately Arron could move his elbow and hand into positions he couldn't before and with out pain!
Now, the second important part.
I performed my extensive testing and created a program for him (that took 3.5 hrs BTW!), and I got a call from Arron today telling me how great it feels to feel the strength and stability coming back into his arm, shoulder and hand!
So, in the end, even if you have pain or lack of performance...just know that it is happenening to the best of the best athletes in the world, and all you need to do is seek out a great "body" team and be persistant with your care and conditioning program and you to, can live a life that you desire!
Visit for more info.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Arron's back!
Arron Oberholser is back on the team!
So keep an eye out for him soon!
And keep training hard! Golf fitness is Life fitness people!
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Swing Fault- "Sway?"

A sway is any excessive lower body lateral movement away from the target during the backswing that forces the weight to the outside of the back foot. This fault makes it very difficult to develop a proper weight shift during transition and the downswing. If there is no stable platform to drive their weight off of during transition, golfers will lose power and inadvertently try to develop speed in an inefficient manner.
1. Right Hip Internal rotation- is paramount for full rotation into the right hip without any lateral sway for a right handed golfer. If the body is unable to rotate around the right hip due to joint or muscular restriction, lateral movements will dominate the pattern.
2. Separation of Lower and Upper body- Separation of lower and upper body allows the lower body to laterally stabilize while rotating during a large shoulder turn. Limited trunk to pelvis separation is usually caused by reducing spinal mobility and shortened lat flexibility.
3. Glute Strength- The ability to stabilize the right leg during the backswing is directly proportional to the strength and stability of the glute muscles (your booty!) When it comes to lower body lateral stabilization, the glute medius is the king! It helps the right hip from elevating and shifting laterally during an aggressive coil into the right hip.
Friday, February 20, 2009
CGF's first employee and kick ass golfer!
It's Trisha Self (Quick) !
She and I will continue to do "the business of the people," bringing you the public the best in golf fitness and performance information available!
At first Trisha will be focusing on getting our T.A.R.G.E.T (Teaching Athletes Required Golf Exercise Techniques) junior program launched, and also promotion and marketing of CGF to the golf industry and potential clients!
Check out this impressinve resume!
Turned Professional: 2005
Career-Best Finish: 2nd
Career-Low Round: 68
Career Hole-In-One: 3
Maiden Name: Trisha Quick
Colorado State University
(B.S. Health & Exercise Science; Health Promotion 2005)
In 2008: Competed in a total of 10 professional events
- Competed in the LPGA 2009 Qualifying School
- Finish 4th Place at the Michigan Women’s Open
- Finished 9th at Texas Women’s Open
- Finished 9th at Thriftway Washington Open
- Finished 23rd at Colorado Women’s Open
In 2007: Competed in a total of six professional events
- Finished Top 15 at the Colorado Women’s Open
- Finished Top 20 at the Michigan Women’s Open
- Finished Top 90 out of 315 at the 2008 Duramed Future’s Tour Qualifier
In 2006: Competed in a total of six professional events
- Finished in the top 15 in three Professional State Opens (Colorado,
Massachusetts and Michigan)
- Best Finish was 6th Place
- Qualified for the 2007 Duramed Future’s Tour
- Competed in 4 years of NCAA Division I golf at Colorado State University
- Completed collegiate golf with 6 top 10 finishes and 12 top 20 finishes
In 2005:
- Awarded Colorado State Women Golfer of the Year
- Awarded Outstanding Golfer of the Year by the Colorado Rotary Club
- Ranked 8th in the Nation by Golfstat for highest percent of fairways hit
- Best Finish was tied for 4th at the Mountain View Invitational
In 2004:
- Awarded Colorado State Women Golfer of the Year
- Awarded Outstanding Golfer of the Year by the Colorado Rotary Club
- Tied for 8th at Ptarmigan Ram Fall Classic
In 2003:
- Best finish was tied for 2nd at the Heather/Farr Invitational
- Tied for 3rd at Las Vegas Founders shooting at record low score of 68 -
- Awarded Academic All-Conference Athlete
Visit for more info.
golf fitness, golf fitness programs, increase distance, flexibility, golf tips, golf gym workouts
Thursday, February 19, 2009
My kid will beat your kid!
How about the best in the state, or get a golf scholarship?
Then if they are under 12yrs old, they should NOT be on the range hitting golf balls!!!!!
They should NOT be on a structured lesson plan with an instructor!
They should NOT be playing only one sport, golf!
"What," you say?
That's right, the above statements are true and have sound research behind them!
In fact, the golf industry is not friendly to the junior golfer. It is still geared towards adults and teaches kids those adult tendencies. This is NOT how we need to teach our kids to be successful and long term golfers who love the game!
If your kid is under 12, they need to be focusing on the "fundamental movement skills" that all great athletes learn when they are between the ages of 4 and 12. All great professional athletes became great athletes as kids, not as pros!
Here's what I mean. If you kid only plays golf from 5yrs old, they may be good young, but they will be surpassed by those who started later and who played other sports. That's right, my kid will beat your kid everytime!
Here's the solution...kick 'em out the door and make them play. You also need to bring them to athlete development clinics for long term athletic development, and make them play at least 3 different sports till they're 12!
Our T.A.R.G.E.T (Teaching athletes required golf exercise techniques) program will teach your kids how to be great athletes FIRST, THEN great golfers...and that is how you make great high school, college and PGA players!
Call me for more info- 303-883-0435
Visit for more info.
junior golf fitness, golf fitness programs, junior strength, TARGET, athlete, parents, 6-12 yr olds, college golf, pga golf, high school golf
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Go to to get your free 3 articles-
- 10 golf myths
- 10 things your golf pro isn't telling you
- 30 yards in 30 days
Please sign up and get 'em! There is some great information for you!
And if you would pass on the website, we'd so appreciate it!
Stay tuned to us as we continue to post information, videos and products for you to enjoy and benefit your game!
Visit for more info.Monday, February 9, 2009
Great start- bad ending
It started great on friday speaking about posture to about 30 or so people, meeting important Colorado PGA staff and pro's, and meeting a bunch of new people.
Saturday started the same way, had a good Junior Golf talk with Stan Sayers, by then it was about 3:45 and time to I had a yummy organic turkey sammich, and organic apple and a "Mojo Clif Bar" that had peanuts in it..........
Uh Oh you say?!
Uh Oh is right! The crazy thing was, is that it took only 45 minutes before I could tell "something wasn't right!"
By the time I got home at 5:45, I had to spend some time on the couch cause my stomach hurt, and after I took my kids on a "date" for ice cream and put them to bed by 8pm, it was toilet time!
So not only was that the bad part, I think the worse part was not being able to fullfill my obligation and honor to speak the second time on posture.
So, life goes on with it's little disappointments, I guess I just have to wait another year to "talk to the masses" again about the ever-so-exciting topic of posture!
Oh- and thanks to Trisha who filled it, and John and George for listening!
Visit for more info.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Denver Golf Expo- Day One
Had a great time meeting some of the major players of the PGA of Colorado, Tim Lollar- President, and I was blessed to have the assistance of RT Nelson who helped me get ready for my presentation on 'Posture- how your bad posture contributes to your bad game.' The PGA of Colorado has some very professional and nice people! If you're not a member, become one, it's only $25 during the golf expo!
I also had a great time speaking to the 40 or so who showed up to listen about posture, and I look forward to doing it again on Sunday at 11am. Come join me!
Make sure you there on Sat and Sun, there are great deals and a ton of people willing to help you and your game!
Visit for more info.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Swing Fault- "Reverse Spine"

Is any excessive upper body backward bend or excessive left lateral upper body bend during the backswing. This swing fault makes it very difficult to start the downswing in the proper sequence, due to the lower body being place in a position that usually limits its ability to initiate the downswing.
This swing fault is also one of the prime causes of lower back pain in golfers!
When the lower body can’t start the downswing or has a limited ability to initiate the movement, the upper body tends to dominate the swing which will eventually create path problems and limited power output. This swing fault puts excessive tension on the lower back due to a forced inhibition of the abdominal musculature during the backswing.
1. The ability to seperate the lower body from the upper body allows the shoulders to rotate around the spine w/o going in backward bend or excessive lateral bend. Limited pelvis to trunk separation is usually caused by reduced spinal and shortened lat flexibility.
2. Core stability to help maintain posture and trunk stability is essential. The core helps to keep the trunk forward flexed throughout the golf swing
3. Right hip internal rotation: If the body is unable to rotate around the hip due to joint or muscular restrictions then a lateral sway may occur. Any lateral sway during the backswing will force the spine to tilt into backward bend and create the reverse spine angle (tests- Hip Rotation)
Saturday, January 31, 2009
It's all up to you!
Today I just want to encourage all of you to stay strong and focused on your programs.
I don't care what you are exercising or training for. Whether it is to lose 40lbs, to decrease your golf handicap by 5 this year, to ride your bike 50 miles at once this summer, or to bring down your high blood pressure...ultimately it is just up to you!
YOU are in charge of your success! Now you can have external sources of motivation, but you still have to be the one to schedule your daily workouts; pick the best food choices for you and your family; teach your kids how to be fit and healthy; and eventually enjoy the fruits of your labor!
So keep training hard and stay focused, cause regardless of your goals, there is a lot at stake!
Visit for more info.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Swing Fault- "Over the Top"

Over the top is perhaps the most common swing fault among high handicap golfers. It usually occurs due to an overuse or over-dominance of the upper body on the downswing. As a result the club is thrown outside of the intended swing plane, with the club-head approaching the ball from the outside in. This creates a pull if the clubface is square or a slice if the clubface is open.
This fault can rob a golfer of power and limit their ability to control the ball flight as they add or decrease loft to the club and additional spin to the ball through impact. By changing the path, they will create a more solid strike and increase their distance and accuracy.
1. The ability to disassociate the lower body from the upper body- to lead the downswing. Limited pelvis to trunk separation is usually caused by reduced spinal and hip mobility.
2. Core stability to help maintain posture and trunk stability is essential. Any loss in posture (flat shoulder plane or reverse spinal angle) can force the torso and arms to fire first in transition to help re-position the body for rotation.
3. Good Balance on each leg, especially the lead leg, is paramount for proper weight shift. Limited weight shift toward the lead leg can reduce the lower body’s contribution to power generation in the swing. Therefore, players will try to produce excessive power in their upper body by chopping down or throwing the club-over- top.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Do What You Love!
Please do yourself the favor of spending a few minutes to laugh and think!
Visit for more info.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Yeah! Made it to the Golf Channel's "Insider"
My article make it to the Golf Channel's "Insider!"
Check it out...
Visit for more info.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Swing Fault- Flat Shoulder Plane

Flat shoulder turn describes the plane of the shoulders as the student turns to the top of their backswing. At address the spine is tilted due to the forward bend of the hips to allow you to get into the correct setup position. In the ideal world the shoulders would move perpendicular to the tilt of the spine on the backswing. A flat shoulder plane is when the shoulders turn on a more horizontal plane than the axis of the original spine angle. This movement will also cause a change to the swing planes and original spine angle, both of which will reduce the efficiency of the swing.
1. Range of motion in Shoulders and Lats- If the ROM is poor, they can loose their posture and their shoulders will turn on a flatter than normal plane in order to try to get width and a full turn in the backswing.
2. Lack of forward tilt at address- This will put a player in a position that forces their arms to move away from their body on the backswing and causes the flat shoulder turn. This can be caused by a lack of mobility in the Thoracic spine or poor technique.
3. X-Factor- A limited X-factor (The ability to separate upper body from your lower
body) can force the player to stand up versus rotating their upper body around their lower.
These are the physical causes of this swing fault. In order to fix these three causes you need a stretching and exercise program! The fixes can't be fixed permanently!
For more info visit or to get a's the time to fix these issues before spring!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Dad's, Mom's and Juniors!
Not only is it about Junior golf, but most importantly, it is about Junior FITNESS.
We all know that our kids are fatter and un-healthier than they have ever been in human history!
Recent research indicates that 60% of adults are now either overweight or obese...WHAT?? You have to be kidding me!
The sad part is that the parents are perpetuating their lazyness and the kids are now showing almost the same numbers! 25% are overweight and 20% are obese...that's 45%!
Here's my point, after this weekend, you will here more and more about Junior golf fitness, and junior fitness in general.
Enough is enough! I don't care if you child likes to play golf or not, my phrase of "Golf fitness is Life fitness," will never have meant as much as it has, because now we are talking about our kids health!
Stay tuned!
Visit for more info.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Reminder- Golf fitness is Life fitness!
"Golf fitness is Life fitness."
You see any time you determine what movement discrepancies are in the body and then "prescribe" various corrective stretches and exercises to address the end you end up with a more efficiently functioning body.
It is this efficiency that leads to:
- range of motion
- mobility
- muscle growth
- flexibility
- stability
- kinesthetic awareness
- heightened senses
- decreased injury
- better organ function
- better blood flow/circulation
- optimal learning environment for new movement(s)
- less stress
- increased energy
- better sleep
- better posture
- increased well being
- and the ability to hit it further, score better and be more consistent!!
And what does that all equate to?
A BETTER LIFE IN EVERY ASPECT...oh and it just so happens that your golf game improves!!
And that will always make the game, and life, more fun!
Visit for more info.Thursday, January 15, 2009
Who are you going to call?
I want you to watch they seem to wonder around trying this machine and that cardio piece?
Do you...
- wonder who you are going to call when your pipe breaks in your house?
- wonder who you are going to call when your engine light goes on?
- wonder who you are going to call when you tweak your knee skiing and it hurts like heck to walk on it?
- wonder who you are going to call when your computer locks up?
- wonder who you are going to call when your golf game takes a turn for the worse?
Do you get my point?
Then why is it that the public and the golfer just wonder aimlessly?
Afterall, this is YOUR BODY AND HEALTH you are talking about for gosh sakes! Why would YOU try to figure out how to exercise when you have no clue?!
My dear readers, it is essential to hire a professional, HIGHLY QUALIFIED, fitness coach! Don't go to Bally's or 24HR and expect to find this! Seek those who are the best in you community!
Would you seek just an average doctor, lawyer, technician, mechanic etc., to fix those issues? NO, you wouldn't!
So step up and find those best qualified to meet your needs, especially when it comes to GOLF FITNESS! There are a lot of trainers saying they do golf fitness...but they suck! They will make your game worse, mark my word!
If you have any questions about who you should be looking for, please contact me and I'd be happy to help! For those of you in the Rocky Mtn region, come see me!
Visit for more info.Sunday, January 11, 2009
The Love and Pain of golf!
"In My Hand I Hold A Ball,
White And Dimpled, Rather Small.
Oh, How Bland It Does Appear,
This Harmless Looking Little Sphere.
By It's Size I Could Not Guess,
The Awesome Strength It Does Possess.
But Since I Fell Beneath Its Spell,
I've Wandered Through The Fires Of Hell.
My Life Has Not Been Quite The Same,
Since I Chose To Play This Stupid Game.
It Rules My Mind For Hours On End,
A Fortune It Has Made Me Spend.
It Has Made Me Yell, Curse And Cry,
I Hate Myself And Want To Die.
It Promises A Thing Called Par,
If I Can Hit It Straight And Far.
To Master Such A Tiny Ball,
Should Not Be Very Hard At All.
But My Desires The Ball Refuses,
And Does Exactly As It Chooses.
It Hooks And Slices, Dribbles And Dies,
And Even Disappears Before My Eyes.
Often It Will Have A Whim,
To Hit A Tree Or ! Take A Swim.
With Miles Of Grass On Which To Land,
It Finds A Tiny Patch Of Sand.
Then Has Me Offering Up My Soul,
If Only It Would Find The Hole.
It's Made Me Whimper Like A Pup,
And Swear That I Will Give It Up.
And Take To Drink To Ease My Sorrow,
But The Ball Knows ... I'll Be Back Tomorrow.
Stand proud you noble swingers of clubs and losers of balls....
A recent study found the average golfer walks about 900 miles a year.
Another study found golfers drink, on average, 22 gallons of alcohol a Year.
That means, on average, golfers get about 41 miles to the gallon.
Kind of makes you proud. Almost feel like a hybrid."
Visit for more info.
Friday, January 9, 2009
You should be able to pass these tests, or you are less athletic!
Ok, Brian Thompson (big man on campus at McGetrick Golf Academy) and I were 'formulating" a plan for 2009 and we were talking about my talks at the Denver Golf Expo and how I will be speaking about the three basic tests that I test in my evaluation of all my clients; the pelvic tilt test, the torso rotation test and the pelvis rotation test.
And while I was visualizing my speech and how I will be getting attnedees to perform these tests, that got me thinking...
Practically 100% of the attendees, will fail one or more of these three tests!
Here is an example of each from the Titleist Performance Institute (
Seems pretty simple, right?
Well, YOU will also fail one or more of these tests!
Got your attention?
Ok, good! Now...for those of you who doubt whether Golf is a non-athletic event, then how is it that most golfers (or athletes) will only get to a certain level of their ability to be successful at the game?
No, it's not because they don't have the best clubs (because most do!), or because they lack practice, it's actually due to the fact that their bodies CANNOT AND WILL NOT learn or be able to perform the swing as it is intended to occur!
Seriously, the above tests are foundational to our ability to move, yet everyone will fail one or more of the tests that allow normal human movement!
Here's my point...if everyone who comes in to see me no matter the sport they play, and they cannot move their pelvis correctly, then no wonder they cannot understand how "athletic" of a sport golf is and can be! They have lost their innate ability to move, and becuase of that, golf and other sports are hard to do, hard to get good at, hard to improve at, and hard to compete at!
In the end, get your body working and then you wil be able to enjoy how "athletic" Golf can be, and that my friends, is when Golf is fun!
Visit for more info.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Here's to a TRANSPARENT 2009!
Thank you for those of you who follow my blog, it is one of my goals in '09 to provide you all with the best info related to fitness,golf fitness, health and life performance!
In order to be as "transparent" as possbile, I want to share some of my "life change goals" for the year...
Personal “TO DO’S”
-Increase life insurance
-Do a living will
-Go to as many level one, two and three Tilteist Performance Institute certification programs as I want to!
-Pay cash for a family vehicle
-Begin Teaching for TPI
-become recognized leader in Denver for golf fitness boot camps
-create and sell golf fitness kits
-have at least ten people in each boot camp
-do at least 2 U-tube videos per week for Championship Golf Fitness and Golf Fitness Guys
-write one article per week
-do weekly speeches to anyone willing to listen!
-payoff business debt
Golf fitness Guys:
-build our list to at least 5000 in 3-6 months
-Create and market and sell products on the site
-provide the public and fitness professionals with great quality e-products
-Read the Word everyday
-pray regularly
-go camping 6 times over summer
-go backpacking twice
-do two downhill mtn bike races in my "new age category...40+"
-take my son and daughter on individual "dates" once a week
-sell my truck :(
-create a prayer and family plan together
-pray w/ shan and kids daily
-think before I speak
-tell Shan I love her daily
-a date a week
-two vacations by ourselves
-Take a week vacation every quarter
-go to Italy in May
-camping, hiking, biking!
So there you go, my friends, some of my plans for the year! I hope that whatever yours may be, that they come true and that you are blessed in 2009!
Stay tuned for great content and "tom foolery" all year!
Visit for more info.