Thursday, February 19, 2009

My kid will beat your kid!

Parents, do you want your young golfer to be successful?

How about the best in the state, or get a golf scholarship?

Then if they are under 12yrs old, they should NOT be on the range hitting golf balls!!!!!
They should NOT be on a structured lesson plan with an instructor!
They should NOT be playing only one sport, golf!

"What," you say?

That's right, the above statements are true and have sound research behind them!

In fact, the golf industry is not friendly to the junior golfer. It is still geared towards adults and teaches kids those adult tendencies. This is NOT how we need to teach our kids to be successful and long term golfers who love the game!

If your kid is under 12, they need to be focusing on the "fundamental movement skills" that all great athletes learn when they are between the ages of 4 and 12. All great professional athletes became great athletes as kids, not as pros!

Here's what I mean. If you kid only plays golf from 5yrs old, they may be good young, but they will be surpassed by those who started later and who played other sports. That's right, my kid will beat your kid everytime!

Here's the solution...kick 'em out the door and make them play. You also need to bring them to athlete development clinics for long term athletic development, and make them play at least 3 different sports till they're 12!

Our T.A.R.G.E.T (Teaching athletes required golf exercise techniques) program will teach your kids how to be great athletes FIRST, THEN great golfers...and that is how you make great high school, college and PGA players!

Call me for more info- 303-883-0435

Visit for more info.
junior golf fitness, golf fitness programs, junior strength, TARGET, athlete, parents, 6-12 yr olds, college golf, pga golf, high school golf

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