Friday, March 6, 2009

Get your life back!!

Sorry it's been a week!

I didn't know that Arron was going to be here for four days, so I am a little behind!

But, the coolest thing happened while he was here, and I tell you this because I want to encourage you to continue to persue your fitness and performance goals no matter what they are!

Arron came into town down in the dumps about where his body was. It was sore, tired, and his wrist surgery he had last august was still very painful.

But I scheduled him for his appointments to see one of my Chiropracters that I use and he had used before, Doc Trisha Shaar. She found that his hand (left) was contributing to a lack of nuerological communication from the hand and arm to the brain. Knowing this, she referred him to Doc Paul Thom who is a Chiropracter that specializes in extremity adjustments, and let me tell you, he went thru Arron's hand and elbow and adjusted 3 hand bones, and made 2 elbow corrections.

Immediately Arron could move his elbow and hand into positions he couldn't before and with out pain!

Now, the second important part.

I performed my extensive testing and created a program for him (that took 3.5 hrs BTW!), and I got a call from Arron today telling me how great it feels to feel the strength and stability coming back into his arm, shoulder and hand!

So, in the end, even if you have pain or lack of performance...just know that it is happenening to the best of the best athletes in the world, and all you need to do is seek out a great "body" team and be persistant with your care and conditioning program and you to, can live a life that you desire!

Visit for more info.

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