Friday, May 1, 2009

Stop Whining!

Ok, for those of you who already participate in a golf fitness regimine of some sorts, well, you already know this...for the rest of you, if you really love the game and aren't considering the fitness side of golf, then you are missing the boat!

It is such a bummer how prevalent this problem is! Golfers love the game soo much, yet complain just as much about pain, scores, their high handicap, not improving and all the others that they love to whine about!

I mean really! What other sport our there is there such an attitude like this by amatuer players? Seriously, think about it! Can you think of any sport where a majority of the amatuer players struggle as much as with golf?

I can't.

Which leads me to my point. GET YOUR BUTT INTO THE GYM!

If you start working on making yourself have better posture, flexibility, stabilty, mobility and strength, then YOU WILL be a better golfer!

So suck it up and get started, the benefits are endless and it's only for a half hour a day for gosh sakes!

Visit for more info.

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