Saturday, October 25, 2008

Got goals? Be S.M.A.R.T

How ya doing at listing and achieving your goals?

Do you have a plan for your family, your business, and golf?

How about your fitness goals?


You don't have any? wonder you aren't getting your body to where you want it!

Man the truth hurts sometimes eh? here is an easy way to try to get this problem under control, and your fitness/health goals going in the right direction with success to follow. This comes from the book, "The Milliionaire Workout," by Ryan Lee:

  1. Specific- Be as detailed and specific as you can with your goals. Instead of saying, "I want to be fit," you can say, "I want to lose 12 pounds of body fat in 12 months by working our for a least 12 minutes a day, 5 days a week."
  2. Measurable- You must be able to measure your results. For example, insteaad of saying, " I want to be rich," your goal can be stated as, " I want to be free of debt and have $500,000 in my bank account within 35 months."
  3. Attainable- Is your goals within your grach? Wanting to become a millionaire might be an attainable goal for you, but is it attainable within the time fram you've allotted?
  4. Relevant- Is your goal relevant towards your life purpose? Think lon and hard about what you feel you've on this earth for to do. Does your goal bring your lcoser or farther away from your purpose?
  5. Time-based- Your goal should have a deadline. Never leave it open minded and pick a speific date you will reach your goal.
If your goals aren't SMART, they're just daydreams.

So START right now! Go get a pen and paper and right down your dreams and desires and put a time line on them, then, and most importantly, move toward making them successful!

Visit for more info.

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