Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Going for the Gold!

Watch the olympics. Period.

What you see is the culmination of lifetimes of blood sweat, tears, pain, sacrifice, and pride of country.

What you see is dedication and commitment coming to a conclusion.

What you see is a drive to accomplish a goal that has been set years and years ago.

For some, it's been since they were a little kid.

Use this time to study these great athletes and see what you can take from them. Few will win, most will lose, but the honor, commitment, dedication, blood, sweat, tears, pain, sacrifice and pride of country is there, by all the athletes "going for the gold."

How are you doing with the pursuit of your goals? What is your gold medal? Why not continue to go after it,?Cause in the end, it's not someone else who can take it away from you like in the olympics, it's usually your worst competitor who does....you.


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