Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Are you suffering?

Lately I know at least six people/friends who have been experiencing health issues. From someone who was literally close to dying because of undiagnosed high blood pressure, to a few with chronic, debilitating headaches.

Why? Why do people in our society think that it is ok to have health issues? It's almost as if it is the norm...if you're not on a medication, then "your out of the croud!"

My dear readers! Life isn't meant to be this way! It is not normal for the body to be in a state of "dys-function or dis-ease," both meaning a state of "not." Not healthy.

The best and only ways to prevent a state of dis-ease is to provide the body with what it needs to process and fight off dis-eases...
These days this means eating as much organic food as you can, especially meat and dairy.
It means exercising daily.
It means getting good quality sleep.
And it also means a good quality supplement program.

This should make you think about food and supplements...
If our nation's soil was virgin - which it is not;
If our ancestors had been perfect - and they were not;
If you could teach people to eat to satisfy the body's needs and not their perverted appetites - which you cannot;
If we could raise our own food on healthy soil and eat it fresh - which we cannot;
If we could all own our own cow, goat or chickens and raise our own meat and poultry - which we cannot;
If foods were not harvested green and immature - but they are;
If storage did not produce deficiencies in vitamins - but it does;
If we lived in a stress-free world - but we don't;
If chemical fertilizers were not used in our soil - but they are;
If refinement, processing, enrichment and synthetic substitution were not a reality-but they are;
If the animals we eat were fed a perfect diet - which they are not;
If insecticides did not penetrate every cell of our food - but they do;
If the animals were not force-fed and hormone-fed to increase their weight and make an earlier market day -which they are;
If most of our grains were not refined into dried cereals - which they are;
If our white sugar possessed anything more nutritive than sand which it does not;
If our modern white flour was all used for wallpaper paste instead of bakery goods - which it is not;
If our foods were not overcooked - but they are;
If deep fry fats were not to be found in almost every restaurant but they are;If man would live by the laws of nature - which he will not;
If man were not greedy - but he is;
Then you wouldn't need vitamins and minerals!

That's why you need a strong supplement program. See http://www.idealhealth.com to find out how to get a cellular specific program just for you and your body's needs.

After, call me to get your health back on track from the "inside, out."

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