Friday, May 8, 2009

Well all my friends and hard working's time for a vacation!

Off to Rome, Florence and finally Venice where my parents will renew their vows after thirty years of marriage on gondolas!

I am excited for the break, but also look forward to coming home where all kinds of good things will be going on...
  1. 3D Motion Capture comes Friday, June 12th and Saturday June 13th! We will be the first company in the US to bring 3D to the public this way!! Be a part of it for only $350 (or so). It will be a HUGE player in your game going to the next level in a short amount of time!
  2. We are designing the Colorado Golf Club Gym facility
  3. Trish will be getting back from TPI Junior Level 2- so we will be the only company in the US with two level two Junior certified pros!
  4. Trisha is playing in the Colorado Open at the end of the month where there are rumors of me caddying for her!??
  5. And more "secret" cool things going on!

Have a great ten days, train hard and we'll see you after the 19th!

Visit for more info.

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