Saturday, December 20, 2008

Get after it and screw the naysayers!

How bad do you want to improve your game? Or lower your handicap? Or beat your friends? Or win state in high school? Or win your club championship? Or get on tour?

Huh? Seriously.

How bad?

How about losing 10 pounds, 20,30,100?

Regardless or who you are or where you are, how bad do you want to achieve your goal(s)?

Take heart in these quotes...print 'em out and live by them...

"When you're willing to do whatever it takes, you're ready to receive whatever you want."
First you need to get there, in order to get THERE!

"It's better to be alone than in the company of dream destroyers and saboteurs."
DO NOT let others be "dream stealers!" There are alot of your friends and family who don't want you to succeed, simply because you might be taking steps forward in a direction they know they need to move toward, but because you're doing it first, will elicit a jealousy response that will come out in a way that will build themselves up...and break you down!

Again, I don't care what your goals are, golf fitness or not, but in the are worth every ounce of the attainment of you goal(s), SO GO FOR IT AND LEAVE ALL NEGATIVE THOUGHTS AND PEOPLE BEHIND! And when you get there, turn around and help those who wanted you to fail, help them to succeed at their dreams and goals!

God Bless people! Now get after it!

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