Sunday, August 31, 2008

Don't believe it! There is not one way to swing a club!

That's right! There is not one way to swing a club!

It's impossible.

Although we humans look similar and are built the same, we don't move or produce movement the same. So how is it that those in the industry continue to tell you that there is only one way to swing a club?

Let's use snow as an example...we all know that a field of snow looks pretty. We also know that that field of snow is comprised of trillions and trillions of individual snowflakes. Right?

So let's use the same analogy for a football game, we all know that all those people look the same as a group, as "a field." But we also, know that there might be 50,000 fans who are comprising that group and every single fan looks different, acts different and moves different. Right?

So here's the deal. You know that I am always after finding the faults in the way each of you move, so that we can go about the process of using stretching, exercise and nutrtion to make you a more "effecient' mover.

Well, I fully believe in Tilteist Performance Institute's swing philosophy, that perfectly explains it all!
"We don't believe there is one way to swing a golf club, we believe there are an infinite number of ways to swing a club, but we do believe that there is one effecient way for all golfers to swing a club, and it's based on what they can physically do."

That's it!

The only hard part is that it takes a 3D motion capture system to determine if you are effecient or not. I am working diligently to try to get a 3D motion capture system at CGF. Until then, keep training hard and don't get or stay stuck in the thought that there is only one way to swing a club, cause it is impossible!

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